檔案大小:8.1 MB
版本需求:OS X 10.11 或以上版本,64 位元處理器
This is the designer/server component for the TouchControl iOS app.
TouchControl for iOS is an established, actively developed app that turns any iOS device into a universal network, infrared, and Mac remote control. TouchControl Server for Mac lets you create fully customized remote control screens for TouchControl that can control your Mac, A/V and other infrared- or network-controlled devices (additional hardware required for IR control).
In addition to directly controlling the growing number of networked-attached components (such as A/V receivers, TVs, etc.), TouchControl and TouchControl Server include built-in, native support for Global Caché iTach and GC-100 adapters, and IRTrans Ethernet and WiFi adapters, essentially network-enabling almost any device, appliance, or component you can think of.
TouchControl Server also allows you to monitor your Mac desktop from TouchControl on your iOS device using the unique and exclusive TouchControl Screen Grabber feature, and can render your remote control interfaces in your favorite browser if your iOS device isn't handy.
Please see http://www.touchapptech.com for more information about the features included in this release.